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MUSCLE3X is a Nutrition, performance and weight loss clinic. We are passionate about health, nutrition, and happiness. Throughout the years, our business has grown but our focus has always remained consistent; MUSCLE3X is here to help people lose weight, identify food sensitivities, and improve nutrition through custom meal plans, and counseling. 

​The main force behind MUSCLE3X is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term lifestyle change and nutrition goals. Whether you’re seeking help with weight loss, sports nutrition, or disease prevention, each client is individually evaluated and provided with a well-researched and comprehensive plan they can follow for the rest of their lives.

Through comprehensive and individualized counseling sessions, each client receives a personalized nutrition plan that is designed to help them reach and maintain a healthy life and/ or fitness goals.


Sai Rivero, Ph.D., BCBA

Clinical Psychologist and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. Graduated from the University of Miami. Started the career in 2011. Using the principles of Psychology and Applied Behavior Analysis, she has helped many families change their lifestyles and provide them with personalized expertise, tools, ideas, and solutions they need to succeed and achieve their wellness goals. This unique combination allows her to help her clients identify their goals, hold them accountable and provide motivation to become a better version of themselves.


Paul James, MS

Entrepreneur and passionate about fitness and nutrition. Paul has many years of experience in helping individuals change their mindset toward their health and wellness goals. He lives by the philosophy that diet is a quick fix to a problem and that to create a long-lasting result, a change in lifestyle is necessary. The key to success is to change bad habits for good habits. Paul receives his education from the Florida International University and gained in-depth knowledge about nutrition, health and wellness, and coaching skills.